25 years of a good idea that works
Iowa-Yucatán Península, México Partnership. CHAPTER: Iowa-Yucatán Península, México Partnership FOUNDED: 1965 Origin of the Iowa-Yucatán Partners . Prior to the establishment of the Alliance for Progress in 1961 by President John Kennedy, Iowa had been a buyer of Yucatán’s most important export crop, baler and binder twine. Yucatán manufactured this product from henequen fiber. It was used in harvesting oats and hay. The Alliance for Progress fostered relationships and the exchange of ideas between individual states within the United States and Latin America . Because of the henequen export business that Iowa and Yucatán shared, then Governor Harold Hughes selected the Mexican state of Yucatán to be Iowa ’s Partner state in 1965. That same year a fact-finding committee from Iowa traveled to Yucatán to explore mutual needs and discover ways to collaborate to fill those needs. As a result, a joint committee of Yucatán and Iowa Partners was formed, which later develop into three subcommittees: Agriculture and Industry, Social Welfare, and Educational and Cultural Exchanges. The Iowa-Yucatán Partnership has continued to be active for more than 40 years. Relationship with Iowa Sister States (ISS) Iowa is unique among other POA partnerships in that it gets support from Iowa Sister States (ISS). Established in 1985, ISS is a volunteer-driven, private, non-profit organization that manages and supports Iowa’s relationships with eight partner-states around the world: Yucat án (Mexico) , Yamanashi (Japan), Cherkasy (Ukraine), Taiwan, Veneto (Italy), Hebei (China), Stavropol (Russia), and Terengganu (Malaysia). The ISS mission coincides with Partners’ in that it seeks to increase international understanding among the people of Iowa through exchanges and projects, as well as promote Iowa ’s economic interests throughout the world. ISS provides Iowa-Yucat á n Partners with valuable financial and logistical support. In turn, Iowa-Yucat á n Partners has served as a model of volunteer effectiveness for the other ISS partnerships. To learn more about ISS, visit their website at http://www.iowasisterstates.org/. |
Recent Accomplishments | Wildfire Training in Yucatán U.S. Forest Service personnel from Arizona, recruited by the Iowa Partners Emergency Preparedness Committee, delivered wildfire resource management training to Yucatecan fire and police supervisors in September 2003. The training dealt with the state-wide tree devastation resulting from Hurican Isidore in Sept 2002 that posed a significant wildfire threat. With the help of POA, Iowa Partners raised $12,000 for hurricane relief to purchase chain saws for the State of Yucat á n Civil Protection Department to clear debris from the hurricane.
Ecotourism in Yucatán Yucatecans involved in developing the ecotourism industry and sustainable agriculture in rural areas visited Iowa State University in spring 2004. The purpose of this trip was to promote student groups to visit Yaxunah, an ecotourism site developed and managed entirely by a rural community in Yucatán.
Agriculture In March 2004, Rick Exner, Extension Program Coordinator at Iowa State University , visited Yucatán to explore a project to connect consumers in Mérida with organically-raised fruits and vegetables. These foodstuffs are produced by graduates of an agro-ecological farming school in Maní, an initiative of Dr. George Ann Huck of Central College and the U Yit's Ka'anagricultural school in Maní, directed by Father Augusto Romero Sabido. As of April 1, 2004 the Agrisol (Agricultura Solidaria) CSA was functioning in Mérida, Yucatán, where consumer-members received flowers, organic eggs, and papaya jam with their first delivery of vegetables.
Photography exhibit in Mérida, Yucatán On April 28th, 2004, Jann Freed and George Ann Huck of Central College, Iowa, opened the exhibit Daring to Be: A Black and White Photography Exhibit of Yucatecan Women Leaders, at the University of Yucatán. The exhibit featured photographs of Yucatecan rural women leaders taken by Jann Freed, an Iowan photographer. It featured women changing social and political systems, challenging family roles, and taking nontraditional risks to create social change that would benefit others. In October 2004, the exhibit was displayed at several Iowa locations. Plans are underway to display the exhibit at the 2005 International Partners of Americas Convention.
Pet Therapy Jorge Leal, a Yucatecan veterinarian, has explored pet therapy in Iowa to learn techniques and approaches he can apply in Mérida. Jorge learned practices and procedures from members of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics pet therapy Committee, staff at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines , and the owner of an obedience training center that certifies dogs for pet therapy. Jorge plans to expand his involvement in pet therapy, particularly with autistic children, when he returns to Mérida.
Mexican Youth Ambassadors in International Family Planning In June 2003, Sara Huddleston, Health Chair, accompanied five Mexican female health care workers to Washington , DC , where they attended a conference on Family Planning. Following the conference, the Youth Ambassadors, traveled to Iowa to interact with Planned Parenthood and other agencies that work with family issues. They visited with Iowa State University Family & Consumer Science faculty and participated in a radio talk show interview on Iowa Public Radio on family planning, women’s health concerns, and how increased population growth has adversely affected the ecology of the Yucatán Peninsula .
Lactation Educator from Yucatán Roberta Graham de Escobedo, a Lactation Specialist and current Vice-President of the Yucatán Partners Chapter, traveled to Iowa to share her experiences working in Mexico as one of the few certified lactation specialists in March 2004. Roberta gave presentations on working with Hispanic women in Iowa to promote an optimal breastfeeding experience for both mothers and babies, and on worksite lactation programs.
PATH PATH Chair Mike Hoenig, who is blind, traveled to Mérida in November 2003 and met with representatives of the disabled community. Members of the Rehabilitation and Special Education Center expressed an interest in visiting Iowa programs. A Mérida Rotary Club requested Mike's assistance in partnering with an Iowa Rotary Club to apply to Rotary International to fund equipment purchases for a children's therapy center. Mike’s visit clearly demonstrated to Yucatecans how well a person with a disability can function effectively as a contributing Partner.
World Food Prize Youth Institute Iowa and Yucatán Partners selected a Yucatecan youth, Raúl Palma, to attend the 2003 World Food Prize Youth Institute in Des Moines , Iowa . Raúl adapted a study on poverty in a Mayan community and compiled information from other sources to develop a paper for debate at the Institute. He presented his paper to a panel of World Food Prize judges, laureates and fellow students.
Des Moines Hunger Hike Iowa Partners was one of the originators of the Des Moines Hunger Hike, an annual walk held in the greater Des Moines area to raise money for hunger. The following Yucatan charities will receive $1,800 in 2005: Ayuda a la Mujer Embarazada (CAM), Albergue Temporal San Vicente (ajunto al Hospital O’Horan), and the Comunidad de Susula. In 2004 $1,900 was given to San Vicente, CAM , and several other charities including Albergue Santa Maria de Guadalupe, the program Un Kilo de Ayuda, and the Parrroquias of Kinchil and Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socosrro.
Education Fiestas de Yucat á n , authored by current Iowa Partners president Jeanette Borich, was published in September of 2003. The relationships established between the Iowa and Yucatán Partnership facilitated the development of this book, which teaches children about Yucatecan life and culture. The National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center at Iowa State University published the book.
Guitarist from Des Moines performs & teaches in Yucatán David Crabbs, a professional Spanish guitarist based in Des Moines , was invited to teach in Yucatán during October 2004. His busy schedule included the following highlights: a public concert in Casa España in Mérida, music classes at a Mérida music school, and concerts in Izamal and several Yucatecan villages—Tizimin, Oxkutzcab, and Xmtkuil
Emergency Response Training At the request of the Yucatán Partnership, Doris Montgomery identified Iowa expertise to do a needs assessment for coordinating emergency response from three different entities within the city of Mérida and the state of Yucatán-- el Departamento de la Policía Estatal (Yucatán State Police), la Cruz Roja (Red Cross), and the city of Mérida Police Department. In May, 2005 Nancy Brady, state of Iowa training coordinator for 911 dispatchers, and Joe Gonzalez, Des Moines Police Department, traveled to Mérida to assist with phase one of the project, a needs assessment. Both Partnerships are enthusiastically looking forward to the second phase of the project, the actual training.
Iowa Sister State (ISS) Delegation In Fall 2005, ISS Director, Phil Latessa, will travel to Yucatán with an Iowa Partners’ delegation. The purpose is to interact with members of the Yucatán Partners and visit projects supported by ISS. The delegation also plans to contact interested Yucatecan chefs to present traditional Yucatecan cuisine in Iowa sometime in 2006. Their visit would be part of a long-range ISS fundraising strategy to feature the expertise of visiting chefs from each of Iowa ’s sister states at well known Iowa restaurants.
Soon, this site will have photographies, videos and the most recent history (last 3 years) of the Iowa-Yucatan Chapter. Also, it will be narrating the most recent activities, in agreement as it is realised.
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Felicitaciones Jorge
Magnifico trabajo, muy completo y con los mejores augurios para crecerlo con el trabajo conjunto.
En una de las ultimas platicas mencionamos la necesidad de que el trabajo que se realiza dentro de compañerismo sea difundido ampliamente pues solo quienes nos conozcan nos apreciaran y valoraran lo que hacemos. Este es el inicio de esa idea y hago publico mi agradecimiento por empezar a hacerlo realidad.
Un fuerte abrazo y muchas gracias
Hola Partners,
Ya he encontrado esta página por accidente. Un poco tarde.
Espero que otros pueden contar sus historias de Partners/Compañeros aquí.
¡Saludos de Iowa!
I think that to get the personal loans from creditors you should present a good motivation. Nevertheless, once I've got a small business loan, just because I was willing to buy a car.
.Sobre mí |
Jorge Alberto Cárdenas Alpuche
soccer, música, comida, vacacionar en familia.
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